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Are you ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and positive transformation? Look no further! Our revolutionary 7-step program is designed to guide you toward a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Getting started is easy! Simply sign up for our free 7-step program, and begin your transformative journey today. Take the first step towards a brighter future – a life filled with purpose, resilience, and fulfillment.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to invest in yourself. Join our community and experience the positive changes that await you. Your journey to a better life starts now!

Step 1 - Budget

The first step in preparing yourself for your first or next property purchase, is going to be your cash pot. Lets see if I can give you some direction and inspiration and get you started in gathering your pot of funds.

Now, take what I have just told you and go and approach everyone that you know, and see how many investors you can find that will invest in you and how much they will invest.

Step 2 - Location

So you've got your deposit funds together and now you are ready to buy. But where? How do you go about choosing your location? Just follow the steps I have laid out for you, shortlist 3 of your potential Goldmine Areas, and add them to your downloadable PDF.

Step 3 - Instructing Your Professional

Why is instructing your power team step 3? Why would you do this before you've even started looking at properties to buy? Well, that should now be clear to you. And now you know why and how it's time to go find yourself a mortgage broker and a solicitor.

Step 4 - The Agent

The first step in preparing yourself for your first or next property purchase, is going to be your cash pot. Lets see if I can give you some direction and inspiration and get you started in gathering your pot of funds.

Now, take what I have just told you and go and approach everyone that you know, and see how many investors you can find that will invest in you and how much they will invest.

Step 5 - The Viewing

So you've booked the viewing and now it's time to go check this baby out. What should you be looking out for? What should you be asking? You need to gather and record as much info as you can as it's this info that you will need for the next step.

Step 6 - Researching The Deal

The most important number of all numbers when buying a property is the end value. I can't highlight to you enough how important this is. And it's your research that will determine this and then allow you to calculate your formal offer.

Step 7 - The Offer

Ohhhh, its all getting a bit exciting. It's the offer stage and there is a way that you should be submitting your offers. Let me break it down to you.

I want you to actually submit an offer, even it is to me. Use the downloadable template.


Get in touch to learn more.

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